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Analysis of organotin compounds in textiles

It is important that the textiles on the market are free of harmful and regulated substances. Chemical analysis is a way to gain control over the products' chemical content.


Tributyltin, dibutyltin and dioctyltin compounds are different chemical substances that are toxic and dangerous to environment because they are bioaccumulative and persistent. Organic tin is also both toxic and known endocrine system disrupters. Organotin compounds can be used in consumer products as stabilizers and catalysts in PVC and PU. You can also find them in coated or foamed materials and in laminates. Organotin compounds are regulated according to REACH.

We can help you interpret the legal requirements in REACH and POPs and propose appropriate analysis.


OEKO-TEX standard 201 "M-17 & ML-17 – organic tin compounds" are primarily used SS-EN ISO 22744-1:2020 can be requested. The methods are adapted to textiles, coated and foamed materials (PUR, PVC print (plastisol)), silicone and fluorocarbon treated materials, laminates (2 or 3 layers), softshell articles and cotton as well as for leather materials.



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Analysis of organotin compounds in textiles according to OEKO-TEX

Delivery level



M-17 & ML-17 – organic tin compounds

SS-EN ISO 22744-1:2020 by request


Price on tender

Delivery time

After order and arrival of sample material - normal delivery time 10 working days

Carina Berglund

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Carina Berglund


+46 10 228 48 08

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Elisabeth Olsson

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Elisabeth Olsson

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 228 47 67

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