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Chemical analysis – inorganic compounds

Kemiska analyser där man bestämmer oorganiska ämnen och föreningar innefattar ett mycket stort antal olika analyser. En del analyser finns det stor efterfrågan på medan andra analyser görs mer sällan. Vilken analys som är lämplig beror bl.a. på kundens behov, frågeställning och provtyp. På RISE har vi stor erfarenhet av att hantera detta.


Chemical analysis where inorganic compounds are determined includes a vast number of different methods. Some of these analyses are performed on a regular basis, while others are rarely performed. The choice of analysis method is based on the client’s need, issue and sample types. At RISE we have a large experience of handling this.


We perform chemical analysis according to standard methods if possible. If necessary we can also modify standard methods or develop new methods to fit clients issue and sample type.

Analysis can be performed using different sample preparation techniques and a number of different instrumental techniques including for instance

  • Inductively coupled plasma – emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)
  • Inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
  • Ion chromatography (IC)
  • X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
  • Elemental analysis for carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), sulphur (S) and mercury (Hg)
  • Titration
  • Potentiometry

The work include both accredited and non-accredited testing methods. The scope of accreditation is available upon request – please feel free to contact us for more information.


Results will be delivered as a report.


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Chemical analysis – determination of elements and inorganic compounds

Delivery level

Accredited, Non-accredited


Contact us for price information

Eskil Sahlin

Contact person

Eskil Sahlin


+46 10 516 52 65

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