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Determination of lead, cadmium and mercury in primary batteries

In order to be able to label primary batteries with the Nordic Ecolabel, these must, among other things, meet the limit values ​​for the content of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg).


For rechargeable batteries (secondary batteries) there are also limit values ​​for arsenic (As).


The method is based on the "Battery Industry Standard Analytical Method. For the determination of Mercury, Cadmium and Lead in Alkaline Manganese Cells". The determination is made with ICP-MS.


The results are delivered in the form of a report.


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Determination of lead, cadmium and mercury in primary batteries

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Price on tender


At least four copies of each model/product must be analyzed and all four must meet the requirements. We wish to receive at least six copies of each product.

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Marie Dahlgren

Forskning-och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 516 54 26

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Camilla Nilsson

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Camilla Nilsson


+46 76 147 63 66

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