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Determination of leather preservatives (TCMTB, PCMC, OPP, OIT)

It is important that the materials on the market are free of hazardous and regulated substances. Chemical analysis is a way to gain control over the products' chemical content.


Society and consumers place great demands on companies and their products. The legislation also means that you as an actor must have complete information and control over which chemicals your products contain. It is especially important with products for children and goods that come into contact with the skin, such as clothes and accessories.

We help you interpret chemical legal requirements and restrictions that apply to goods made of textile materials and plastics and that are linked to, for example, REACH and POPs. We suggest which analyzes you need to make based on legal requirements, but also other requirements specifications such as eco-labels or procurement requirements.


Determination of leather preservatives (TCMBT, PCMC, OPP, OIT) according to OEKO-TEX

ISO 13365. Leather - Chemical determination of the content of preservatives (TCMTB, PCMC, OPP, OIT) in leather by liquid chromatography

Sample amount 20 grams


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Analysis of preservatives (TCMTB, PCMC, OPP, OIT) content in leather



ISO 13365


Price on tender

Delivery time

The normal delivery time is 10 working days after ordering and received sample material.

Carina Berglund

Contact person

Carina Berglund


+46 10 228 48 08

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Elisabeth Olsson

Contact person

Elisabeth Olsson

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 228 47 67

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