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Hydrogen purity assessment

Hydrogen, composition, impurities, ISO 14687, EN 17124


Some impurities and particulates, if present in hydrogen may damage, the fuel cell system in a hydrogen vehicle as it is highly sensitive to the presence of even very low levels of impurities. Therefore, standards ISO14687 and EN17124 set stringent limits for numerous gaseous.


We offer flexible analyses to respond to every client´s need. We can analyse most of the impurities mentioned in these two standards, incl. water, total hydrocarbons, methane, oxygen, helium, nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur compounds, formaldehyde, formic acid, ammonia and halogenated compounds.


Our analyses are performed in our gas laboratory which is equipped with many different analytical instruments incl. GC/TCD, GC/FID, GC/MS, Proceas (IR).

The work include both accredited and non-accredited testing methods. The scope of accreditation is available upon request – please feel free to contact us for more information.


The results are first delivered per mail as a preliminary report. After an agreement, the final report is sent per mail.

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Hydrogen purity assessment according to ISO14687:2019 and EN17124:2022

Metrology Area

Mass / Weight

Delivery level


Field measurements



ISO 14687:2019



Price on tender

Delivery time

Within two weeks


If requested, RISE can assist with the sampling at (for example) a station

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Contact person

Karine Arrhenius


+46 70 567 57 28

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