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Inspection and repair measures for concrete structures

Qualified damage investigations and condition assessments of buildings and facilities are valuable in many contexts, for example in maintenance planning, repair assessments needs in case of damage, valuations, etc.


RISE assessors have a very long and broad experience of inspections and condition assessments of various concrete structures, masonries and mortars. We assess, among other things, damage caused by reinforcement corrosion, freeze thaw, fire, moisture and alkali silica reactions (ASR). In addition, we inspect structures that are suspected to contain aluminate cement.

Damage assessments and condition assessments are carried out with the help of visual inspections, non-destructive testing (Ground Penetrating Radar, ultrasound and cover layer measurements), sampling, laboratory testing with advanced equipment and microscopic analysis of cement-based materials to determine composition, quality control and cause of damage. The laboratory tests are supplemented if necessary with photography and examination of samples taken.

In all damage assessments it is important that the cause(s) are investigated and charted in a relevant way.

The assignments often also include the design of tender documentation, evaluation of tenders, contract with contractor, construction management and technical control including control responsibility according to the Swedish law PBL (KA = Kontrollansvarig in Swedish).

We also carry out calculations of the remaining service lifetime of buildings / facilities based on, for instance, damage assessments.


The most frequent facilities or parts of the constructions that need damage assessment or condition assessment are:


  • Facades
  • Wharves
  • Bathhouses
  • Garages
  • Parking decks
  • Balconies
  • Floors
  • Swimming pools
  • Dwelling houses
  • Courtyard decks
  • Sewage treatment plants
  • Drinking water treatment plants
  • Bridges and tunnels
  • Industrial facilities
  • Water Towers


RISE assess the condition of concrete structures, usually through visual inspections, damage surveying (scope and type), measurements, sampling and analysis.


An attested survey report is the most common request from our clients.

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We inspect damaged and deteriorated concrete structures and propose optimum repair measures.

Field measurements



Price on tender

Supports the UN sustainability goals

8. Decent work and economic growth
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
Per Martinell

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Per Martinell


+46 10 516 68 29

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