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Measurement of washboarding

Measurement of the unwanted washboarding on corrugated cardboard is done to check that it does not exceed an acceptable level.


  • Washboarding is a regular line pattern that can occur when the liner is glued on the fluting when making corrugated cardboard.
  • Corrugated cardboard is the most common material when manufacturing packaging boxes because it has good shock-absorbing properties that protect the product.
  • In addition to measurement, we can also sell software license for the measurement method OptiTopo Expert with washboarding toolbox. This software is based on the use of the instrument L&W OptiTopo sold by ABB (formerly Lorentzsen & Wettre).


The measurement gives:

  • A quality measure of how large the washboarding effect is.
  • The liner's fine-scale surface roughness and craters that often correlate with print quality after the corrugated board surface is printed.
  • Illustrative images of the washboarding effect that make it easier to visually compare different samples and use the results in reports and presentations.


Excel file with measured values ​​described above.

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Measurement of washboarding on corrugated cardboard


Price on tender

Delivery time

3 weeks after the samples arrived.



Send corrugated cardboard samples with a size of at least 20 x 20 cm (preferably A4 or A3).

Maximum thickness of corrugated board samples is 8 mm, which fluting type B, C, E and F meet.

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Hans Christiansson

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Hans Christiansson

Application engineer

+46 76 876 73 81

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Mikolaj Malinowski

Forsknings-och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 228 46 42

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