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Resource mapping of building products

Resource mapping is a process aimed at identifying and analyzing the materials and resources present in existing buildings, before renovation or demolition. It is important to use these resources efficiently and sustainably, which can help reduce environmental impact and promote a circular economy.


In resource mapping, the focus is often on the parts of the building with the longest estimated lifespan and large volume components. By taking good care of these resources, significant CO2 savings can be made. This aligns with the resource hierarchy for the construction and civil engineering sector and taxonomy. To determine whether a material or product is interesting to preserve, reuse, or recycle, RISE assesses several aspects:

  • Environmental and health aspects
  • Possibility for disassembly
  • Economic potential
  • Potential for climate savings
  • Quantity, properties, and homogeneity of the material group
  • Condition and state
  • Quality assurance, and testing


When conducting a resource mapping, we follow a process with activities that together provide a good overview of the building and the potential for reuse or recycling of its building products. The methodology is based on the process steps: preliminary work, material inventory, quality assurance, data analysis, and report, as shown in the figure above.

To assess whether the products or materials should be reused or recycled, an environmental and economic evaluation is carried out in terms of CO2 per m² and SEK per ton.

  • A life cycle analysis (LCA) is used to assess a product's or service's environmental impact throughout its life cycle. This includes calculating global warming potential (GWP), expressed in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). Data from databases are used to calculate stored CO2. 
  • Based on the quantities, the economic value of the building's materials and components is calculated. This helps to understand the economic potential in addition to the environmental benefits that can be achieved through the reuse or recycling of materials.


Report as agreed, with the following suggested content:

  • Compilation of preliminary work describing the building's structure and history
  • Results from material inventory and environmental and health sampling, corresponding to reuse inventory and meeting requirements according to the PBL control plan
  • Compilation of the building's materials:
    • Stored CO2: The amount of carbon dioxide bound in the material, stated in kg CO2 equivalents per square meter.
    • Economy: The economic value of the material, stated in SEK/ton.
    • Resources: The amount of material, stated in tons.
  • Quality assessment of materials, including test results

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Resource mapping of buildings with quality assurance of construction products

Field measurements



Price on tender

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according to agrement

Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
11. Sustainable cities and communities
Johan M Bergström

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Johan M Bergström


+46 10 516 51 67

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Jan Suchorzewski

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Jan Suchorzewski


+46 10 516 68 02

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