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STFI-Mottling Expert software

The easy to use and well-known STFI-Mottling Expert software is today used all over the world in the paper and paperboard industry to quantify the mottle on printed products as well as white-top mottle on unprinted paperboard.
You can buy it and use it in your own lab.


Advanced image analysis technique is used to filter the scanned images to simulate the human vision system (eyes and brain). This makes the results very reliable and correlate well to panel tests where a group of people rank the samples.

To increase the reliability, the image from the scanner is calibrated to reflectance using the included reflectance calibration set.


Fields of application - Measure reflectance variations (mottle) on:

  • Unprinted board (white top mottling)
  • Mono-colored solid and screened prints
  • Uncovered area (UCA) - totally white spots in solid prints (extra toolbox)
  • Missing dots in gravure print (extra toolbox)
  • Coating thickness variations after using a burnout technique on the samples (making the wood fibres black and keeping the coating white)
  • Optical formation can be calculated if the samples are thin enough for the scanner transparency unit
  • Also, other types of reflectance variations can be characterized, such as formation of non-woven products and orientation of mottle on corrugated board


  • One single-user license of the software package STFI-Mottling Expert
  • Manuals describing scanning and evaluation (in english)
  • A reflectance calibration set used when scanning the samples

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STFI-Mottling Expert software - Measure mottle as we perceive it


Price on tender

Delivery time

Delivery of the software and the reflectance calibration set within 3 weeks after order


The customer needs to buy a standard PC equipped with Win 7 or Win 10 and a suitable flatbed scanner, RISE will upon request recommend a scanner model.
Microsoft Excel is recommended to use to open the result files but also other spread sheet software with ability to open Tab separated ASCII-files works.

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Hans Christiansson

Contact person

Hans Christiansson

Application engineer

+46 76 876 73 81

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