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Testing of industrial, garage doors and gates

CE marking is obligatory for industrial doors, garage doors and gates on the European market under the Construction Product Regulation. There is a requirement that certain tests must be carried out by an accredited testing laboratory. RISE has this accreditation for testing. 



The tests are carried out to investigate how new constructions work in practice, how they match to the standard requirements and can also be used as a basis for CE marking.

CE marking is mandatory for industrial doors, garage doors and gates on the European market according to the Construction Product Regulation.

RISE are one of the leading "Notified Bodies" in all tests and assessments in accordance with the European harmonized product standard EN 13241: 2003 + A2: 2016.

RISE can help you with everything you need in connection with testing of doors and gates.


The following tests / statements can be offered in accordance with EN 13241: 2003 + A2: 2016 with associated sub-standards:

  • Air permeability
  • Watertightness
  • Resistance to wind load
  • Peak forces
  • Additional mechanical properties
  • U-value
  • Dangerous substances
  • Fire resistance
  • Electrical safety


When the test is completed, the results are reported in a written report or statement describing how the test object has performed against the current standard.

The report or statement can then be used as a basis for CE marking.


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Industrial, commercial, garage doors and gates – Testing - CE-marking – Investigations - Statements

Field measurements



EN 13241:2003+A2:2016 with associated sub-standards:


Price on tender

Delivery time

Delivery time will be given on request of a quote


Any required preparatory work will be advised on request of a quote

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Roger Davidsson


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Börje Gustavsson

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Börje Gustavsson


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