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Validation of the production of climate data sheets
Validation of the production of climate data sheets according to the FKG method for collecting data and calculation of climate footprint for components supplied to the automotive industry.
Why validate the production of climate data sheets
Climate footprint reporting will be increasingly required. As support, FKG, in collaboration with a number of actors, has developed a quality-assured method for the automotive industry's subcontractors to cost-effectively produce a climate data sheet for their products/components in e.g. plastic, metal and electronics. The method offers companies a resource-efficient way to produce, report and communicate the climate impact of existing or future products and components, for example during the tender phase.
As a third party, RISE certification activities will validate how the climate data sheets have been produced, i.e. that this has been done according to FKG's method and process. By validating, you strengthen your competitiveness and can credibly communicate climate impact and your sustainability work in dialogue with customers.
The validation service also provides you with continued support in your sustainability work as it contributes to increased awareness and equips you for increased reporting and accounting requirements.
Method for producing a Climate Data Sheet
The method ‘FKG method for collecting data and calculation of climate footprint for components supplied to the automotive industry’ has been developed in a research project and is owned by FKG.
RISE validates how your company has produced climate data sheets, i.e. how your company has followed and complied with FKG's method and detailed process.
The validation includes both interviews and review of documentation, to assess whether the company has the prerequisites to meet the requirements of the method. For example, we review software, documentation and the competence of the people responsible for and producing climate data sheets. Once the validation has been completed and approved, we will send you a statement and a label that you can use on your climate data sheet when it is communicated to your customers and other stakeholders.
After successful validation, your company will receive a statement and access to a label showing that your production of climate data sheets has undergone our validation with approved results. The label can then be used by your company in external communication and is valid for one year.
Further information