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ZD testing

In paper and paperboard the out-of-plane ZD properties are often much lower than the in-plane properties and can cause delimination in the board. In order to improve packaging performance it is therefore important to measure out-of-plane ZD-properites.


To fully understand how paper materials behave in different processes it is important to be able to measure the stress-strain behaviour in tension and compression.

To enable finite element simulation of converting operations or produce applications it is needed to have stress-strain descriptions of the material in each direction, which can be provided by the ZD tension and compression methods.

The testing of stress-strain behaviour may also give values of pre-peak and post-peak properties, which have different importance in different applications. 


The standard method ISO 15754 is available but is not applicable to all material and only provides the max strength and not the complete stress-strain relation. A new method has been developed at RISE Bioeconomy where a 10 cm2 circular paper or paper board sample is laminated between  two metal sample holders. The ZD-specimens are tested in a universal testing system and displacement is measured with an attached extensometer.


Stress-strain curves can be determined. In addition, properties such as stiffness, strength and energy can be determined.

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Out-of-plane ZD testing of paper materials


Power / torque sensors

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Force and torque

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Anton Hagman

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Anton Hagman


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Jonas Sundström

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