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FINEST - Vision & objectives

The FINEST Centre (2020-2024) has aimed to play a crucial role in product and system innovation in the context of the necessary transformation of the Swedish food system.

FINEST is created together with the partners

At FINEST, we address issues that are too large and too difficult for the individual player to solve on their own.

The knowledge we create together is a very important key to achieving a sustainable transformation of the food system.

Our platforms

FINEST System Innovations Lab - A lab for collaboration and learning in the development of solutions to systemic and complex challenges in the value chain in an iterative and experimental process.

FINEST Testarena - An arena for practical product innovation and collaboration linked to the value chains Swedish forest berries, Protein from legumes and Experimental production of food.

Objectives first 4 years

  • New research results that accelerate innovation linked to the three value chains Swedish forest berries, Protein-rich legumes and Experimental food production
  • Scientifically developed tools and guidelines that help food companies take the next step towards a sustainable transition.
  • Collaboration with other research centers and graduate schools linked to this area, where at least 16 new collaborative projects linked to the center have been initiated and doubled the number of committed partners compared to the start.

This is how we reach the goal

  • Through research on innovation, system changes and sustainability based on Swedish conditions and needs.
  • A unique platform and a unique way of working will be created where knowledge, technology and methods are combined to accelerate innovation.
  • The development takes place in collaboration with Swedish players in the food sector and based on the leading research in the field.
  • Training of young researchers (two doctoral students and three postdoctoral fellows)
  • Knowledge and results are disseminated via RISE, partners 'and partners' channels.

 Identified research questions

  • What is needed to achieve a sustainable transition and what possible paths can be taken to achieve it?
  • How can the system transition for the Swedish food sector be described in relation to the selected value chains / networks?
  • How can FINEST function as a knowledge channel for a sustainable transition and long-term system transition of the Swedish food sector?
  • How can innovation in value chains or networks be conceptualized in order to achieve a sustainable transformation of the Swedish food system?
  • How can current and acquired knowledge be transformed into practical guidelines and tools used for decision support?
  • What type of sustainability indicators are needed / need to be developed to guide research and stakeholders from early development to implementation?
  • How can sustainability and nutrition be better designed together? What are the main obstacles and enablers for innovation?
  • What is the role of the market for a sustainable future system?
  • How do different types of actors, including large and small companies, collaborate on innovation?
  • How do major players work to develop their ability to innovate?
  • How can better conditions for collaborative innovation and value chain effects be created?
  • How are new business models developed, tested and evaluated in the food chain chains?