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Post processing of textile fibres

RISE in Mölndal offers a broad expertise within post processing of textile fibres, from different raw materials and for different end uses.

Pilot scale melt spinning of multi-component textile fibres

RISE in Mölndal has a pilot scale melt spinning equipment that can produce textile fibres from thermoplastic polymers. The melt spinning line is equipped with four extruders allowing to combine up to four different polymers in eac…
Test & demo

Textile fiber development

Within the Textile fiber development test bed, RISE develops innovative materials and methods to produce fibers, yarns and nonwoven from bio-based and synthetic raw materials. We offer expertise, manufacturing methods and material…

tExtended – Knowledge based Blueprint for Extended Textile Circularity

The accumulation of textile waste is a global challenge that requires efficient recycling solutions, as it is estimated that less than 1% of textile waste is currently being recycled as a secondary textile raw material. tExtended …

Closed-loop recycling of wool/synthetic blend textiles

Textile production of today almost exclusively uses virgin raw materials. A lot of the textiles, especially clothing, are only used for a short period of time whereafter they become waste. This project aims to close the loop, by …

DoubleBio - Biobased and biodegradable textiles

The project DoubleBio aims to develop a textile fibre which is biobased and biologically degradable in sea and land. The fibre will be especially suitable for use in nonwoven single-use textiles such as agricultural textiles, pac…

Spinnability evaluation of new polymer materials

RISE in Mölndal conducts research and development of textile fibres, with a special focus on material transition for a sustainable development. Melt spinning poses certain requirements on the material, including high temperature s…

Wet spinning

Wet spinning is a manufacturing process used to produce fibers from polymer solutions by extruding them into a coagulation bath, where the polymer solidifies into fibers. This method is called "wet" spinning because the process in…