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Sea with waves

Workshop: Safety for all!

Have your say on the next ship design!

We are working on a research project on evacuation from ships.

We want to know your thoughts and needs on what is needed for a good evacuation.

Evacuation from ships is a challenge. In this project, we are looking at how ship design and communication on ships can be adapted to work for all people across the accessibility spectrum.

We need your input!

Languages: Please note that this event will be held in Swedish.

Workshop at RISE in Lund
18 Nov 2024
Scheelevägen 17, , Lund
31 October 2024

Free of charge

In-person, Workshop,

11:00:11:30 Welcome and About the project (Anne Dederichs

11:30-12:00 Communication onboard ships (Staffan Bram och Saad Azhar

12:00-13:00 Lunch 

13:00-14:30 Split into groups. What do we need?

14:30-14:50 Summary 

14:40-15:00 Close and coffee  

Contact person

Anne Dederichs

+46 10 516 51 17

Read more about Anne

Contact Anne
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Saad Azhar

Contact person

Saad Azhar


+46 73 844 70 60

Read more about Saad

Contact Saad
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