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Greater Futures Literacy and Capacity to Act in Uncertainty

Development moves fast. Major changes are underway in the world around us. Unstable geopolitics, rapidly changing and divergent legislation and other societal requirements, technology shifts, and climate change affect all businesses. Do you know what affects you and your business or organisation? We help strengthen your organisational capacity for foresight so that you can manage and act in uncertainty – and make informed decisions.

Through our expert knowledge of foresight, and by using inspirational materials and successful examples, we can increase your organisation’s futures literacy and your capacity to act in uncertainty.  We accomplish this by developing your organisational ability to understand the future and how it can be managed.

What is futures literacy?

Futures literacy is an increased organisational ability to meet challenges in the present and the future with strategic foresight. Futures literacy leads to a greater ability for foresight in decision-making and agile actions. This capacity will improve your ability to lead innovation, manage change, and accelerate transformation.

Through futures literacy, better organisational conditions are created for decision-making in everything from day-to-day operations – what must be focused on right now – to long-term plans and the development of policies, strategies, or roadmaps. Methodology from the interdisciplinary field of foresight provides a common overview of the world around us and a framework to peer into the future and carry out long-term planning – and to also more quickly identify and react to signals in the present that indicate that plans need to be changed. 

How does it work?

We hold an introductory meeting about the organisation’s needs. We will then provide feedback in which we propose a method and process adapted to your needs, along with a quote. Following approval, a team is assembled at RISE based on the required disciplines and methodologies. In conjunction with this, you also choose the participants from your organisation. With RISE as a partner in the process, you get access to over 3,000 experts with different domain expertise. We guide you on a learning and development journey to increase your futures literacy and your ability to handle uncertainty

Contact us for more information about increased future literacy

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Magnus Carl Eriksson

Contact person

Magnus Carl Eriksson


+46 10 516 55 61

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