Magnus Carl Eriksson

Director of Foresight and Strategy
My awesome employees have many years of experience as consultants, researchers, or similar roles in foresight, strategy, and transition management.
Our offering within Foresight & Strategy helps companies keep up with the pace of change in the technology, democracy, social and political arenas. This can involve everything from working with sustainability to meeting new customer expectations for products and services.
We offer our customers expertise in foresight, strategy, and transition management to a transition for future competitiveness. Our offerings include future analysis, future scenarios, strategic roadmaps, anticipatory governance, governance innovation, policy innovation, system innovation, innovation system analysis, transition arenas, transformative capacity, and transition management.
Through applied research and experience-based methodology, we analyze, test and create conditions for innovation and policy in complex transition processes to a sustainable business and society.
Due to our close and extensive collaborations across RISE, we have broad, unique insight into a variety of research and societal areas. We recognize things early that others may not see. This enables us to provide well-founded open-source intelligence studies, strategic roadmaps, future scenarios, and policy developments that improve the odds of success in the coming years.
My linkedin:
Preceding, I initiated, I developed and was head of the Policy and Innovation unit, and head of the Transition Lab unit.
Keywords: system transition, foresight, future analysis, future scenarios, strategy, business models, strategic roadmaps, roadmap, anticipatory governance, governance innovation, policy innovation, system innovation, innovation system analysis, transition lab, transformative capacity, transition management, utilization, value creation, societal impact, social benefit
Social transformation, Future adaptation, Industrial change, Total defense, Resilience, Resilient supply, Energy, Security of supply, Energy supply, Electrification, Transport, Food, Food supply, System transition, Decision guidance documents
Member, Swedish Government Science Advisory Board (Forskningsberedning) at Swedish Government
Appointed by the government to participate in an expert group that advises on the upcoming research and innovation policy bill. Contributes with national and international monitoring, analysis and advice to research and innovation policy. Acts as an advisor to the government, among other things, in the preparation of the research and innovation policy bill to be handed over to the Swedish Parliament at the end of 2024.