Bertil is born in January 1955, married and having two sons. After finishing MSc Metallurgy at KTH he joined the Swedish Corrosion Institute (SCI) in 1981 as a researcher. In 1983 he moved to Skåne, in the South of Sweden, to work for BAC AB as a research engineer in the field of cathodic protection. In 1989 he started his own business, Korrosionsgruppen AB. It developed to be one of the dominant companies in Sweden in the field of cathodic protection. He left the Company in 1996, returning to Stockholm, attending the work as consultancy manager at SCI. A few years later he became research manager and in 2004 managing director of the Institute. SCI merged with the Swedish Institute of Metal Research in 2006 and Bertil became the manager for business area "Corrosion" within the new Institute. Some years later he left the work as manager and return to the field of consultancy as Senior Scientific Advisor.
For the moment being, he enjoyes trying to solve corrosion issues in the infrastructure, within the Power industry etc.
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