Daniel Richardsson
Innovations-och processledare

Daniel works as an Innovation and Process Leader within innovation management.
Our goal is to be a leading partner, both nationally and internationally, in the professionalization of innovation leaders, developing management systems for innovation, and systematic innovation work.
Daniel is one of the forefront figures in Sweden in terms of spreading innovative strength-based working methods, perspectives, leadership, and team behaviors - which strengthen people, organizations, and regions to make progress in meaningful work and sustainable value creation.
Previously, Daniel has alternated employment with running his own company as a consultant in areas such as Strength-Based Change and Innovation Management through Appreciative Inquiry, Design Methodology/ service and experience design, Positive Organizational Psychology, and Classical/ Agile project execution and management. Daniel is the translator of the book Strength-Based Team Development (2012 & 2019) https://styrkebaserad.org
Some of Daniel's previous assignments and employments have involved Innovation teaching and research at Mid Sweden University, Quality Engineering; development of an innovation action plan for the Region Jämtland Härjedalen; establishment of regional export centers for the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, and method development within authority collaboration for sustainable development for SIDA. Many of Daniel's works are documented in research articles.
During 2020-2021, Daniel was involved in developing Customers, insights, and trends, a methodology tool for design-driven business development for SVID, the Swedish Industrial Design Foundation, with the aim of strengthening companies in the countryside in design-driven business development. See https://svid.se/guider-och-verktyg/kunder-insikter-och-trender-ett-meto…
In the spring of 2020, Daniel became one of Sweden's first 30 certified innovation management professionals, following RISE certification criteria. See more https://www.ri.se/en/what-we-do/services/certified-innovation-managemen…
Since May 2021, Daniel has been part of the RISE innovation team, and today he works in the Innovation Management unit, Department of System Transition, Division of Samhällsbyggnad.
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