DHRUBAJYOTI Bhattacharjya
• I am a researcher in the Binders and Additives Unit at RISE, Stockholm. My area of expertise is electrochemical energy storage and I am currently working on novel material/process development in different battery systems including Na-ion batteries, Li-ion batteries, Zn-ion batteries, and supercapacitors.
• I am involved in several EU and nationally funded projects including NOVOC, PULSELION, and NEXTBAT.
• I received my Ph.D. from Korea University, South Korea in 2016 and have previously worked as a postdoctoral researcher at CSIR-NEIST India, CIC energyGUNE, Spain, and KIMM, South Korea. I have published >10 peer-reviewed articles and have an h-index of 25.
• I have >10 years of experience in lithium-ion batteries, lithium-ion capacitors, and supercapacitor technology at both laboratory scale (Swagelok, coin cell) and prototype level (bi- and multi-layer pouch cell) and related electrochemical test methods. I also have experience in setting up small to pilot-scale manufacturing facilities for battery cells, including instrumentation and engineering design.