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Battery materials

Batteries are vital in securing the transition to a fossil-free, electrified society. Finding sustainable material solutions is crucial – accessing critical raw materials and developing new, high-performance, sustainable material solutions.

Supply of raw materials to the battery industry, developing new battery materials, and improving existing battery chemistries are essential focus areas for RISE. We develop and work with cathode and anode materials, as well as optimization of electrolytes and additives. You will also find advanced research and development work with bio-based electrodes and printed electronics with us.

RISE expertise in battery materials mainly focuses on:

Active Materials and feedstocks


Electrode Formulation and coatings


Cell fabrication and testing


Innovation-critical metals and minerals


Bio-based battery materials and printed electronics


Do you want to learn more about what RISE offers in the battery area? Read more on our area page for batteries.

Batteries at RISE

Anwar Ahniyaz

Contact person

Anwar Ahniyaz

Senior Forskare

+46 76 864 00 59

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Peter Alberius

Contact person

Peter Alberius

Key Account Manager

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