Lars Hamberg

Lars have a PhD in food science and has worked for and within the Swedish food industry's technical development for over 20 years. Lars' process engineering specialty areas revolve around equipment design with a focus on cleanliness and hygiene, but he also has a broad base in general food-oriented process technology and was one of the founders of the test bed Cleaning Innovation. Lars also leads and is responsible for the yearly course in Food Technology at Chalmers University of Technology.
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- BioCon - A model for pathogens and biofilm in drinking water distribution syste…
- Minskad belastning på dricksvattenresursen genom industriell-urban vattensymbios
- Utveckling av näringsladdad broccolisoppa
- Removal of UHT dairy fouling — An efficient cleaning process by optimizing the …
- Structural and compositional changes during UHT fouling removal—Possible mechan…
- Continuous tubular microwave heating of particulate foods at high temperatures
- Composition and structure of high temperature dairy fouling
- Paths to a sustainable food sector: integrated design and LCA of future food su…
- Continuous tubular microwave heating of homogeneous foods: evaluation of heatin…
- Hållbara matvägar – referens- och lösningsscenarier för mjölkproduktion och fra…