Sara Ranäng

Sara participates in research projects mainly concerning future mobility with a focus on the development of sustainable freight transport and logistics systems as a senior expert in transport and digitalization. Current projects and publications, see links below.
Key competences: Logistics and freight, Mobility, Traffic and infrastructure planning, Research and development projects (Triple-helix), SustainableTransport, High Capacity transport (HCT), City logistics, e-commerce, ITS & Freight transport, Hospital logistics, Traffic and freight measurements, Traffic during construction of urban development and infrastructure projects, Public procurement, Quality-driven business development, Project management
I have a Master of Science in Industrial Work Environment, Luleå University of Technology (mechanical engineering with a focus on work science, production systems and logistics) and was a PhD student at Chalmers, Department of Production Technology, division of Engineering Automation for 1.5 years. The latter provided a good understanding of research projects and the research world, which has been of great benefit when participating in Triple Helix* projects over the years.
Background in academia, private industry and public sector provides a good understanding of the driving forces of different stakeholders and the importance of common goals in order to create a sustainable society that meets the needs of the future.</p>
Positions of trust: Coordinates RISE's partnership in CLOSER (National Arena for transport efficiency)and is a member of NVF's working group for goods (Nordic Road Traffic Association)
- FEMAS (Fossilfria, Effektiva Masstransporter i Städer) : Publik rapport
- HCT City : Omvärldsanalys och prioriteringar för effektivare masstransporter i …
- Klimatnyttan med HCT : drar mer, men släpper ut mindre
- Public Procurement and Geofencing – lessons learned from a pilot with geofencin…
- Slutrapport inom Gothenburg Green City Zone (GGCZ): Metodik för analys och infö…
- Godsflödeskaraktäristik i en urban kontext: lärdomar från fallstudie i centrala…
- REDIG- Regionala godshubbar i Göteborg : FÖRSTUDIE – DRIVE SWEDEN
- Framtidssäkring av leveranser till nybyggda stadsdelar : En kunskapssammanställ…
- High capacity city transport with intelligent access - A Swedish case study of …
- ACCESSKONTROLL- GAMLA STAN : En utredning kring olika möjligheter för ökadregel…