Sennai Asmelash Mesfun

I work mainly with technologies for converting biomass into energy, fuels and chemicals. My research assignments focus on scaling up, conceptual process development and techno-economic evaluation of biorefinery concepts under different configurations, integrated with existing industries or stand-alone.
I collaborate with partners and colleagues who conduct experimental research, and develop conceptual processes that assess the concepts at a commercial level using modelling and simulation platforms such as Aspen Plus, UniSim Design, Python, etc. The focus is on systems analysis, process integration, carbon efficiency and economic as well as GHG performance.
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- Process integration to increase woody biomass utilization for energy purposes
- Design of integrated industrial sites based on Kraft pulp and paper mills
- Electrification of Biorefinery Concepts for Improved Productivity—Yield, Econom…
- Electrolysis Assisted Biomass Gasification for Liquid Fuels Production
- Meeting the bioenergy targets from palm oil based biorefineries : An optimal co…
- Hydropower Production Benefits More From 1.5 °C than 2 °C Climate Scenario
- Short-term solar and wind variability in long-term energy system models - A Eur…
- Combining expansion in pulp capacity with production of sustainable biofuels – …
- Meeting the bioenergy targets from palm oil based biorefineries: An optimalconf…