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LowCoBio project website

LowCoBio - Accelerating the green fuel revolution

LowCoBio aims to accelerate the commercialisation of renewable fuels from bio-oil by addressing two key challenges: improving production processes and solving corrosion problems.

The overall aim of the LowCoBio project is to accelerate the commercialisation of renewable fuels from bio-oil by addressing two key challenges: improving production processes and solving corrosion problems. This will be achieved by a cross-cutting project approach where the production processes are developed further, at the same time as corrosion issues of the materials and processes are investigated. This is an important research area since corrosion constitutes one of the present barriers to scale-up. 

The project aims to provide guidance on adjusting the process conditions throughout the whole production process, from pretreatment to liquefaction and upgrading, so that product quality and yield remain high at the same time as the need for very expensive construction materials is avoided. 

  • Improved biofuel production process with reduced product corrosivity 
  • Scale-up and demonstration at TRL 5 
  • Life-cycle, techno-economic and environmental impact analysis 
  • Provide materials selection guidelines 


Project name




RISE role in project

Coordinator and project manager

Project start


3 years

Total budget

2.16 million euros


French Corrosion Institute, Valmet, VTT, Industeel, CNRS, Envigas


The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP), Swedish Energy Agency, French National Research Agency, Business Finland

Project website


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
12. Responsible consumption and production
13. Climate action
Linda Sandström

Contact person

Linda Sandström


+46 10 516 61 80

Read more about Linda

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