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Testbed PFAS - Test your solution

Do you want to test your solution in Testbed PFAS? You are welcome to apply.

Testbed PFAS is looking for more testers

Do you have a solution regarding PFAS? Please apply!

Testbed PFAS is a five-year project that is going at full speed. The project is looking for solutions in fire fighting as well as solutions for soil and water contamination. The project continuously accepts new applications, and it is not too late to report your interest.

The easiest way to reach out is to contact our project manager Tove Mallin. You may also fill out our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Two test tracks

As the research in Testbed PFAS is conducted in two parallell research tracks, we are searching for two different kinds of solutions. Thus, we welcome two kinds of test companies.

For the first research track, focusing on the legacy of PFAS, we are looking for solutions to purify PFAS-contaminated soil and water. We are striving to identify several reliable, sustainable and cost-efficient remediation technologies that are suitable to use on a large scale.

For the second research track, we are looking for companies who have developed alternative PFAS-free fire extinguishing agents or methods. These may be fire extinguishing foams or innovative fire fighting methods. The aim is to replace fire extinguishers containting PFAS for putting out liquid fires, e.g. fuel fires (also called class B fires). 

In order for an extinguishing agent to be considered equivalent with foams containing PFAS, it must both be equally functional and as high performing as existing alternatives. The new agent or method must also constitute a long-term and sustainable solution.


Different fire extinguishers are evaluated in RISE fire hall.

Two objectives

The objectives for Testbed PFAS are twofold. In short, one objective is to find cost-effective remediation techniques. The other objective is to find sustainable, high-performing PFAS-free fire fighting methods. You and your company are welcome to apply if you provide a solution that meets one of these goals. 

If your method works

When you are accepted as a tester within the Testbed PFAS project, your work will contribute to and be involved in important areas for the future. The final solutions will be used by the Swedish Armed Forces, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration and the Swedish Fortifications Agency. In other words, your contribution may have an impact both on future fire fighting and on the purification of PFAS-contaminated land and water.

Soil and water samples in one of RISE laboratories.

Contact person

Tove Mallin


Read more about Tove

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