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Future Adaptive Design Toolkit

Course - How to create longer lasting products for circular offerings

Do you want to learn how to design adaptive product solutions for circular business models? Then register for our course in Future Adaptive Design (FAD), 4 half days starting October 4! Circular solutions have the potential to be more profitable for producing companies and cheaper for customers. 

The FAD methodology is a well-proven working method for developing products optimized for a circular economy.

You will learn to use the FAD methodology, which is the result of ten years of research at RISE and accumulated experience from collaborating with companies in several different industries.

You will learn to use RISE's tools and methods to:

  • Design more durable products that can be adapted to future needs and requirements  
  • Identify the greatest risks of products becoming obsolete prematurely
  • Analyze profitability and environmental benefits for a suggested circular business model
  • Understand how purchase price and life cycle costs can be balanced

Target group

The course is aimed at business leaders, design and innovation leaders, change agents, designers, product development engineers and project managers in product development and design. We also see leaders in environmental issues as important participants.

Course format

The course sessions are held online, in English and no prior knowledge is required. We would like you to bring your own product or real challenge to work with during the course. If you don't have a product, you will get to work with our examples. 

The course is laid out in 4 parts of 3 hours. We start on Friday October 4th from 9 am to 12 noon and the following occasions are on Fridays. 

Part 1: October 4, 2024 - Introduction, establishing a starting point and setting vision

Part 2: October 18, 2024 – Understanding the Investment Calculus 

Part 3: November 8, 2024 – Analyze the financial potential

Part 4: 22 November 2024 – Evaluate alternative design solutions and their environmental potential

More detailed information can be found under Programme.


Course - How to create longer lasting products for circular offerings
Online Sverige
04 Oct 2024
20000 SEK (excluding VAT)
Digital - live
Part 1: 4 October, Part 2: 18 October, Part 3: 8 November, Part 4: 22 November
Matilda Leivas

Matilda Leivas

Innovations och processledare, RISE
Thomas Nyström

Thomas Nyström

Senior forskare, RISE

Part 1: October 4, 2024 - Introduction, establishing a starting point and setting vision

  • Establishing a baseline for the context of your own organization or project
  • Setting a vision for a new business model focused on extended product life
  • Mapping of the baseline for the selected product

Part 2: October 18, 2024 - Understanding the Investment Calculus

  • Recapping Part 1 and revisiting the baseline and vision
  • Defining a business case for the extended product life business model
  • Exploring the cost calculation process for mapping the economic potential
  • Conducting a product assessment including risks associated with the extended life scenario of the product

Part 3: November 8, 2024 - Analyze the financial potential

  • Deep dive session on assessing the economic potential
  • Applying cost calculation frameworks introduced in Part 2

Part 4: 22 November 2024 - Evaluate alternative design solutions and their environmental potential

  • Identifying areas for improved design in the product architecture 
  • Exploring the environmental potential and assessment methods
  • Exploring how components could be redesigned based on the FAD strategies 
Malin Orebäck


Malin Orebäck

Innovations- och processledare

+46 73 361 12 37

Read more about Malin

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