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Courses in foundry technology

Courses in foundry technology

We offer a range of courses in foundry technology. Here you will find both breadth and depth, from introductory courses in foundry technology, die casting and design and optimization of cast components, to casting defect analysis and controlling and monitoring green sand.

Company-adapted training

All our courses in foundry technology can also be ordered as “custom designed". Contact us via the form on the right if you wish to adapt any of the courses that you find under Available educations to your company.

If you are interested in any of the courses below, click on to the respective course page and fill in the interest form on the respective page.

Optimization and preparation of cast components

Casting imperfection analysis of aluminium

Casting imperfection analysis of cast Irons

Introduction to foundry technology - iron and steel

Introduction to die casting

Design – cast components

Controlling and monitoring green sand

Materials testing and practical metallography

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Marie Fredriksson

Contact person

Marie Fredriksson


+46 10 228 49 08

Read more about Marie

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Development of cast components

The properties of a cast component are influenced by many factors; material, alloying elements, geometry, solidification rate and the robustness of the casting process. At RISE we have the resources and competence to optimise and …
Test & demo

Casting Demonstration Centre

The Casting Demonstration Center, CDC, is a facility for testing and demonstrating cast metallic materials and processes. We offer advanced simulation tools, access to a complete foundry and a 3D sandprinter.

Network for foundries working with greensand

Through the network for greensand, foundries working with molds in greensand will have the opportunity to exchange experiences with each other and with researchers from RISE. It is also possible to participate in RISE research pro…

Från komponentgjutning till processoptimering i RISE pilotgjuteri

Nya krav, nya material och ett samhälle som ständigt är i förändring ställer stora krav på en utveckling som möter allt från kundönskemål till lagkrav. Vid RISE testbädd för gjutna material och processer kan företag genomföra test…

Bedömning av mikrostruktur för gjutna material

I ett optiskt mikroskop kan vi bedöma ett materials mikrostruktur. Undersökningar utförs på polerade prov och vi har även möjlighet att etsa prover vid behov för att kunna urskilja olika mikrostrukturella beståndsdelar. Vi kan alu…

Analys av råsand för gjutning

Vid gjutning av stål och järn samt, i viss mån, andra metaller används ofta formsand där bentonitlera fungerar som bindemedel. Denna sandtyp kallas "råsand", cirkuleras i systemet och fräschas upp inför varje ny gjutning. Den här …