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Development of renewable energy systems

Our experts in renewable energy systems focus on sustainable energy production, wind power, hydrogen, sector coupling, energy security, as well as flexibility, resilience, and readiness within energy systems. We collaborate with business and public sector in research projects and consulting services with focus on development and future adaptation.

Wind power systems

Wind power is leading the way towards a fossil-free energy system. Expansion on land and at sea is necessary to meet the increased electricity demand within and outside of Sweden. We have several years of expertise in research and development within wind power.

Read more here about our services, research, and projects within offshore and onshore wind power systems.

Hydrogen systems

The potential for green hydrogen as a raw material and fuel in the industrial and transportation sectors is enormous. Hydrogen can replace fossil raw materials and energy carriers from both the industrial and transportation sectors. We have a wide range of services within hydrogen, from component to system level.

Read more here about our services, research, and projects within hydrogen.

Battery parks

With larger energy systems based on renewable, varying energy production, solutions are needed to store electricity in large quantities. Battery parks are an enabler to reduce the need to import electricity when electricity consumption does not match electricity production.

Read more here about our services within battery parks.

Hybrid systems

Hybrid systems within energy systems involve combining several technologies to address a problem or achieve higher energy efficiency, flexibility, and profitability. For example, solar- and wind power, and battery storage can be combined in a system for more efficient capacity utilization of the grid and to mitigate variable electricity production.

Read more here about our services within hybrid systems.

Sector coupling, system stability, and system simulation

Sector coupling involves linking several energy systems for increased efficiency. System stability aims to design energy systems that meet the limitations of the electricity grid. These systems are often complex and may require simulation to determine their suitability for implementation.

Read more here about more examples and services we offer within sector coupling, system stability, and system simulatio

Readiness, robustness, and resilience in the energy system

In the event of disruptions in the power system or crisis in society, resilient renewable energy systems are needed that can withstand external impacts and can provide energy to vital functions or other services for a limited time.

Read more here about our services or our exercises related to energy supply within total defense.

Stefan Ivarsson

Contact person

Stefan Ivarsson


+46 70 680 57 43

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