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Digitalisation within tourism & cultural sector

The actors in cultural and creative industries are an important cornerstone in democracy, and together with experience-based industries and the hospitality industry an important sector for Sweden's economy, competitiveness and sustainable societal development.

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, digitalisation in society began to change the conditions for these industries, and when the pandemic hit these players disproportionately hard, the need for increased competence in digitalisation became even clearer. RISE works to, together with actors from the industries and government agencies, help these sectors with skills development, development projects and trend research linked to digitalisation. 

Digitalisation in society is accelerating and is something that affects all sectors based on how they can, should and are expected to work and organize themselves, as well as what services they must offer their customers in order to be relevant. The hospitality industry and the cultural and creative industries are no exception, and in large parts of these, this adaptation has lagged behind. The sectors thus have a great need to develop, both in terms of leadership and organization as well as new services, experiences and offers in the digital age. For the industries, this is precisely a pure survival issue.  

RISE works in several ways with digitalisation in the hospitality industry and the cultural and creative industries. We have expertise in digitization as a central concept, and how it affects all parts of work and life in society; as well as specific expert skills in important areas, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, visualizations and design, ethical data management, pedagogy, prototype development and interaction design. In our role as research institutes, it is our mission to both keep up to date with the latest developments in digitization, as well as support organizations in understanding what is on the horizon. RISE also has a long experience and a wide network of contacts by working with precisely these sectors, and thus has a good understanding of the industries' specific needs and unique conditions.   

We have previously worked in close collaboration with the National Heritage Board and been part of Linnaeus University's competence development for the actors affected by the Covid-19 crisis in the hospitality industry and the cultural sector. We conduct a number of development projects together with the creative sector and innovation actors such as science parks and incubators throughout the country. In addition to these initiatives, we have the knowledge and interest to explore how we can convey, shape and enable place-bound cultural heritage and experiences, traditional craft methods and art, and difficult cultural heritage at a distance or through digital technology.   

RISE can assist with everything from consulting, lectures, training materials and execution of competence-enhancing initiatives, to development projects, prototype development, service and concept design in digitization for KKN and the hospitality industry. 

Fredrik Trella

Contact person

Fredrik Trella

Researcher Developer

+46 10 228 42 48

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