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Education in food and the environment

Food production and consumption both have an effect on the environment, but how, why and what can we do about it? RISE will help you make more environmentally friendly food choices.

Did you know that food accounts for a fourth of the climate impact from consumption? Climate impact, organic or locally produced, transportation, carbon dioxide equivalents and methane gas. There are many concepts and sometimes it can be hard to know in what order to prioritize when considering environmental impacts. The question IS complex, but there is so much we can do already.

To actively influence through choice of raw materials, knowledge of how to handle food and how to make improvements are useful tools that will help you become more environmentally friendly.

RISE education inspires and increases awareness about food and the environment, this could be the starting point to initiate and power engaging improvements at RISEs experts in Food & the Environment will help you find out what choices have large impact and which have less, how you can make educated choices and what tools can make it easier.

Examples of what can be included in a course:

  • The environmental and climate effects from food – from a global perspective all the way down to a single meal
  • How does the climate impact differ between different foods and raw materials, and why?
  • How is the environment and the climate affected by a high consumption of meat? Is there such a this is a sustainable meat consumption?
  • Carbon dioxide equivalents, organic and local produce, packaging and transports – how  are they all interrelated?
  • How are we conscious when choosing raw materials that are good for both the environment and our health?
  • Meal focus! What has a large impact and what has less?
  • Decreasing waste, how do we do it?

How we work:

The range and what is included in RISE courses in food and the environment will be customized against your needs and wishes. Usually we do a half or full day where we invite the participants into a conversations where we mix facts with quizzes and engaging discussions. Our goal is that each participant is given the opportunity to reflect on the contents of the course and to, above all, think about how it can be applied to their own business or activity. Our knowledge is based on 25 years of research and analysis of the environmental impacts from food, from farm to fork.

More information

In collaboration with Måltid Sverige ( we offer courses on food & the environment in regard to meals in the public sector.

RISE has also, in collaboration with Klimat 2030 (, produced the information that is the foundation for the web based courses on food & climate for grocery stores and public meals. These courses are open access and available here:


Britta Florén

Contact person

Britta Florén

Senior konsult

+46 10 516 66 66

Read more about Britta

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