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Reducing food waste for a sustainable food system

RISE offers broad expertise and customised solutions to increase resource efficiency and reduce food waste.

One third of all food produced in the world is lost or wasted during the journey from primary producer to the plate. At RISE, we work to reduce the impact of food waste on the environment, climate and ecosystems. We work to accelerate the transition to sustainable foodsystems through the development of research and innovative business models. We strive to contribute to increased resource-efficient food productions and to promote sustainable consumption behaviors in society. Our vision is a food chain without unnecessary food losses. 

Vision and offer 

We believe that innovative and cross-sectoral collaborations between the research field, businesses, public sector and civil society, paves way for a stable and resource-efficient food system. RISE gathers experienced researchers, project managers and business developers that can deliver research, education and calculations that identify the environmental impact and economic costs of food waste. Based on this, we can propose improvement opportunities that can maximize resource utilization within your organisations value chain.

Extensive experience and a wide network

For over 20 years, we have researched and mapped food waste on behalf of Swedish food companies, national authorities and international organisations. Our experts helped the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), with mapping the first global figures on food losses and food waste. 

We were paer of the European Commission's task force in the development of guidelines for the measurement of food waste within the framework of the EU Waste Directive, and were part of the consortium that developed the first global standard for quantifying food waste. We have a broad network and expert roles within the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste, in SAMS – the cross-sectorial, national initiative for reducing food waste and Klimat 2030 – Västra Götaland ställer om. 

Expertise in multiple areas

RISE gathers experts with research and business-based experience in food processes, sustainable food production and consumption, which form the backbone of our expertise.

We can support you with: 

  • Scientific reports
  • LCA and system analysis 
  • Value stream mappaing
  • Certifications and environmental assessments 
  • Mapping based on the FLW Standard
  • Customised education packages
  • Design of communication strategies
  • Competence in the processing of residual streams
  • Product development from residual streams
  • Waste management
  • Packaging design
  • IT and digital solutions 

Would you like to get in touch with one of our experts? Do not hesitate to contact us!

Karin Östergren

Contact person

Karin Östergren

Senior Forskare

+46 70 420 56 19

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Maria Nehme O'Neill

Contact person

Maria Nehme O'Neill

+46 10 722 32 01

Read more about Maria

Contact Maria
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