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Energy policy for fossil free mobility and electrification

Society faces severe challenges in transforming the transport system into a sustainable one. The current system is dominated by fossil fuels which create a wide range of problems including emissions of greenhouse gases. This expertise area builds upon a deep knowledge of the current transportation systems and the future options that could enable a sustainable transport system. Policy development is key to the future transport system and the knowledge of current policys and the creation of new ones is part of this expertise. 

This expertise area relates to the transformation to a future sustainable transport system with a fossil free energy supply through a combination of sustainable energy carriers including electricity. A holistic view is crucial and the experts has deep knowledge related to life cycle assessments (LCA) of energy and mobility systems such as electric vehicles and renewable fuels.

Experts in this area are involved in projects and working groups in Sweden and EU relating to technology and policy development in the area

Triple F for fossil free goods distribution

In the Swedish context RISE is involved in Triple F which is the Swedish Road Administrations Research and Innovation program for a fossil free goods distribution system.

EU-level forums and groups

On EU Level experts in this area are involved in the following organisation

  • ETIP Bioenergy, European Commission
  • Sustainable Transport Forum - DG MOVE, European Commission
  • STRIA - Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda, European Commission
  • EU Strategic Energy Technology Plan, SET Plan, Implementation Working Group 8
  • SET4BIO, Coordinating Support Action, European Commission
Patrik Klintbom

Contact person

Patrik Klintbom

Senior Researcher

+46 10 228 40 29

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