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Substitution of hazardous chemicals in products and processes

Non-toxic and circular cycles are a focus area in Sweden’s circular economy strategy. Hazardous chemicals in products and processes need to be replaced in order to protect human health and our environment. RISE has expertise in everything from chemical analysis and toxicology to the development of new materials that are non-toxic from the start.

We are moving towards a circular economy, for which non-toxic material flows are an important element. RISE’s work with research and development gives us a unique opportunity to contribute to this transition. We have cutting-edge expertise in fields such as chemical analysis, toxicology, the choice of safer alternatives, and the development of new non-toxic materials that are “safe by design”.

Sound substitution with Alternatives Assessment

The challenge with substitution involves choosing alternatives that truly are safer than the substance being replaced. The alternative must also retain the technical performance, be available on the market, and interact with other sustainability criteria such as increased use of renewable raw materials. All with a life cycle perspective. This is how sound substitution can be achieved.

RISE utilises the Alternatives Assessment method, which is a cross-functional approach to selecting safer alternatives. We compare potential alternatives from a holistic perspective, which is adapted as needed. Alternatives that are not safer for people and the environment are excluded based on available information, data modelling or testing in analysis and toxicology labs.

Alternatives Assessment involves working with functional substitution, which means that potential alternatives are identified based more on a substance’s function than the substance itself.

RISE offers substitution and innovation

RISE can offer cutting-edge expertise for each and every substitution need. We can also offer a complete solution for innovation and the development of new non-toxic products, thanks to our combination of expertise in various materials and our infrastructure. In RISE’s testbeds and demonstration facilities, our experts can cost-effectively evaluate the technical performance of various alternatives at pilot scale. We have a good understanding of industry needs as well as the legislation and standards with which products and processes must comply.

RISE works with small and medium-sized enterprises as well as public sector operators and large multinational companies.

Click the Play button in the image to start the video.

A virtual tour

Join us on a video tour of RISE and see some of our offers in substitution. Among other things, you will see how we work with the analysis of chemical content, safe by design, the development of new materials and, lastly, testing of new non-toxic products. Click the Play button in the image above to start the video.


Get in touch with us at RISE to discuss your chemical problem or your idea for new non-toxic materials – we’ll find the way forward together.

More information

Substitution means that you:

  • Replace a hazardous substance with one that is less hazardous
  • Switch to a different material
  • Or find a completely new solution so that a hazardous substance is no longer needed, for example, by changing the design or process

Contact the Swedish Centre for Chemical Substitution for more information and guidance on phasing out hazardous chemicals in products and processes.

Anna Jacobs

Contact person

Anna Jacobs

Centrumledare för Substitutionscentrum

+46 10 228 45 30

Read more about Anna

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