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"Krafttanken" in the city of Ludvika. A restored transformer, which is a part of the energy island.

Cyberrisks caused by a flexible electricity market...

In the future energy system, much electricity generation, flexible energy products and storage may be connected to the internet, making them vulnerable to cyber attacks. In this project, RISE and High Voltage Valley study cyber risks caused by a flexible electricity market and what can be done about the risks. The study is within an energy island.

The project name is Cyber risks caused by a flexible electricity market and what can be done about them: Case study of an energy island.

 Energy dependence is increasing and new energy sources such as wind and solar power do not deliver the same stability as existing electricity production, and therefore requires more flexible solutions. Connected user control is also increasing in a fast speed. The security policy situation has deteriorated drastically, which affects the threat picture.

Risk preparedness has primarily focused on specific systems and individual units on the electricity production side. The user side has not received the same attention, while flexible new solutions tend to be implemented close to the end users. Previous international studies have shown that cyber attacks from the user side can cause major disruptions.

Energy islands, created for security of supply, can be seen as a miniature of the entire electricity grid and are thus well suited to study the consequences of cyber threats. Through the project, we will get concrete and tangible results, which we can more easily communicate to everyone, from manufacturers to consumers.

Do you want to know more (In Swedish):

Krafttank används i forskningsprojekt för cybersäkerhet i elnätet | RISE

Cybersäkerhet i framtidens energisystem

In the RISE video Cybersecurity in the Future Energy system, we tell you more about how we can create a future energy system that is resistant to cyberattacks (the video is in English).

Here is a report that sheds light on cyber security for connected energy products.


Project name

Case study of an energy island; COLA




Region Dalarna

RISE role in project

Projektledare och koordinator

Project start


3 år

Total budget

5 745 000 kr


Website of Samarkand2015.



Project members

External press

Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy
11. Sustainable cities and communities
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions


Contact for CiFE

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