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Nano picture for EC4SN

European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation in Nanomaterials

There is evidence of health and safety concerns related to the production and use of nanoparticles. EC4SafeNano project aims to address these questions by setting the foundation for an European centre for nanosafety.


The overall aim of the EC4SafeNano project is to define operating principles, governance strategy and the sustainability model for an independent European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation for Nanomaterials. This centre is intended to support industry, safety service providers, regulators and public associations.


One of the challenges society is facing today is to ensure a sustainable production and use of nanotechnologies. Understanding the risks for the environment, health and safety associated with nanotechnology and resulting products is of paramount importance. As well as identifying and implementing practical strategies to minimise these risks.


The creation of a centre of European organisations offering services for risk management and nanosafety. The centre will be structured as a hub-based network managed by a core group of public oriented bodies providing risk management and safe innovation support to all stakeholders.


The Centre, when operational, will offer guidance to market actors for best practice, standards, technical approvals and environmental protection within nanomaterial. 

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Karin Persson

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Karin Persson

Teknisk Doktor

+46 10 516 60 72

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