Eye-tracking for steel work
The goal of FÖSA is sto use the latest eye-tracking technology to make use of the expertise of senior staff and use it to meet the challenges faced in terms of education- and competence building activities for new as well as existing staff and for it to be a tool for language issues that might occur when employing staff with other native languages.
The lack of competent work force is the single largest limiting factor to grow for many companies in the metal industry. To that comes challenges in how to integrate new staff quicker and make them productive, how to develop competence within existing staff, how to overcome language barriers when employing staff with other native languages.
The purpose of this project is to use the latest eye-tracking technology harness the expertise from the expert workers and use it to a) get new talent into production faster b) train existing talent to take on new challenges within the company, and c) overcome language difficulties and ease the transition into work for new Swedish citizens. With measurable actions we will design training programs based on the experience-acquired skills of the experts, and then verify the efforts with data from the participating companies and repeated measures to see if the desired effects have been reached.
Project name
Region Jönköping County, Region Stockholm, Region Värmland
RISE role in project
Forskningsutförare, design av träningsinsatser
Project start
3 år
Total budget
6.354.000 SEK
Skärteknikcentrum Sverige AB, Bufab Lann, Uddeholm, IF Metall, Teknikföretagen, Industriarbetsgivarna, Gnosjö automatsvarvning