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Danish organic sow with piglets
Photo: Therese K Mukendi

Power to strengthen welfare and resilience in organic pig production

the POWER Project ask organic pig producers in eight european countries about innovations they like to test with the aim to improve animal welfare and reduce nitrogen losses (ammonia) and environmental impact from outdoor areas used by the pigs.

The project includes experimental activities and best practice identification in Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland:

Investigate the effects of farrowing pen design, sow genetics and management strategies on newborn piglet mortality and piglet health before and after weaning

Investigate the effect of different designs of outdoor runs on growing-finishing pig behaviour, health as well as pen hygiene and ammonia emission

Identify and field-test best practice examples of combined housing and pasture systems considering productivity, feed efficiency, animal health, and nutrient management

Develop a framework for assessing system resilience in organic pig production

Evaluate the overall effect of the identified innovative housing designs and management strategies on cost effectiveness, system resilience and ecological footprints

Provide guidelines for organic pig producers across Europé.

selected POWER publications

Project description (pdf, 303.82 KB)


Project name




RISE role in project

WP4-leader and project participant

Project start



Total budget

15 milj. SEK


Austria, BOKU, Denmark, AU-AGRO, Denmark, UHF, France, INRA, Germany, TI-OL, Italy, CREA-ZA, The Netherlands, WUR, Switzerland, FiBL


CORE Organic Cofund funding bodies, which are partners of the Horizon 2020 ERA-Net project CORE Organic Cofund

Project website


Project members


Supports the UN sustainability goals

8. Decent work and economic growth
12. Responsible consumption and production
13. Climate action
Eva Salomon

Contact person

Eva Salomon

+46 10 516 69 61

Read more about Eva

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