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Ridesharing for business trips by rental car

The project will develop, test and evaluate a digital ridesharing service for business trips

The core of the project is a sharp test of a digital solution for coordinating business trips with a rental car. Europcar, Freelway and RISE will develop and evaluate a digital coordination service that will be tested with the help of Scania and Sandviken.

The solution will be integrated and operated with the companies' systems. Business models, role distribution, behaviors and function will be evaluated. The solution will be as flexible as possible to meet the needs of different customers and to be scaleable to more companies and users.

The project fulfills an actual need on the market: a coordination solution for business trips with a rental car, which has been requested by e.g. of large companies.

Digital solutions provide new opportunities to coordinate e.g. business trips that take place with a rental car. Carpooling when several employees are going on business trips in the same direction reduces the burden on the environment and climate. It also reduces congestion on roads and car parks, which means that spaces in cities can be used more efficiently.

Knowledge will be generated in

  • how coordination solutions should be designed so that they meet the needs of companies, employees and car rental companies and
  • what effects coordinated rental car trips have for the individual (mobility behaviour), the companies, the environment and the transport work.


Project name

Ridesharing for business trips by rental




Västra Götaland Region

RISE role in project


Project start


30 månader

Total budget

2,3 MSEK


Europcar Sverige AB, Freelway, Scania CV, Sandviken


Vinnova, Drive Sweden

Project members

Bodil Ahlström

Contact person

Bodil Ahlström


+46 73 082 08 75

Read more about Bodil

Contact Bodil
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