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An anvil with a motion tracked hammer and pliers
Photo: Gabriella Di Feola

Tacit Knowhow

When something which is known or desired to be learned is not a fact but an experience, “how” to do it is more important that “what” to do. “What” to do is easy to learn, it must only be told for the knowledge to transfer. “How” to do something is more complex.

In order to know how to do something it is necessary to practice learning. This is not limited to the mind but also requires learning with arms, eyes and fingertips. Tacit knowhow is the knowledge of the body and what is desired in to be able or skilled.

RISE and blacksmith master Gustav Thane are trying to find a way to track and present activity in a way accessible and clear enough for many to access and start their personal journey into new abilities. It´s about motor skill and visualization of the nuances of how things are being done. The project span over one and a half year and is financed by the Swedish Konstnärsnämnden via Kulturbryggan.

In the project a wide variety of sensors, methods and ideas are applied in various ways to quantify and measure aspects of crafting and other tacit knowledge heavy domains. Extended reality technologies are used to visualize and explore if data can approach or be used to better understand and observe such knowledge.


Project name

Tacit Knowhow



RISE role in project

Development and exploration

Project start


1,5 år

Total budget

500 000 SEK



Project website

Project members

Peter Ljungstrand

Contact person

Peter Ljungstrand


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