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Determination of water content in electrode material

The water content needs to be as low as possible in all materials included in a Li-ion battery build. The water content of the solid electrode sheets can be determined with our Karl-Fischer set-up.


The use of the adapted columetric Karl-Fischer titration to determine water coupled to an oven makes it possible to thermally extract water from many materials. Electrode materials, or other material, is cut into a suitable atmosphere, usually in a glovebox, and placed in a sample container that fits the oven. An inert gas stream leads the water to the titration vessel where quantification takes place. Titration provides low spread between measurements and can detect about 50 ppm water in a sample.


Karl-Fischer titration with an oven set-up and sample handling


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Determination of water content in electrode material using a Karl-Fischer setup

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Moufida Mansouri

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Moufida Mansouri


+46 10 516 57 69

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Leena Andersson

Forsknings-och utvecklingsingenjör

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