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Microbiological risk assessment of product, process and production

Many processes and production environments must be clean and hygienic for the product to be safe and durable. It is also important that process steps and equipment designed to reduce unwanted microorganisms function properly. RISE offers a number of services and tools to improve microbiological safety and dureability.


Microbiological risk assessment combined with mathematical modeling of growth and killing / inactivation at varying physical conditions, for example different temperatures and pH are useful tools in product development or suspicion of microbiological contamination of a manufacturing process.

We carry out assignments concerning disease-causing and spoilage (product-detroying) microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, yeast and mold), as well as antimicrobial resistance. Our practical and theoretical knowledge has been built up through our own research and in close collaboration with industry in applied research and commissioned projects.

The results from risk assessments are useful in, for example, the development of a new product in order to be able to assess whether the production process is safe. Another area of use is when a company wants to identify preventive measures to avoid the spread of disease-causing or spoilage  microorganisms.


RISE performs both theoretical and practical microbiological risk assessments. For the risk assessments that contain experiments, we use RISE well-equipped microbiological laboratories where we have the opportunity to work with disease-causing microorganisms in the projects where there is a need for this. We also have the opportunity to do field experiments at our customer´s production sites to collect data and observations that can form the basis for the risk assessment.

We offer you as a customer to work with us on issues around:

  • Troubleshooting of microbiological problems and transmission routes of microorganisms.
  • Risk assessment and modeling - theoretical assessment of the conditions for relevant microorganisms for growth, inactivation and / or survival.
  • Isolation and identification of microorganisms in a product, ingredients, material or production facility.
  • Shelf life test / storage studies of existing products to answer how long the product can be stored.
  • Challenge test - bacteria, viruses, yeast and / or mold are added to the product to evaluate whether it is microbiologically safe and shelf-stable.
  • Product development - How do the properties of the intended product affect the microbiological quality?
  • Production side streams - How can they be made microbiologically safe and stable?
  • Hurdle technology - How to combine different factors such as temperature, pH, preservatives, etc. to obtain a safe product with good microbiological quality?
  • Advice on preservatives - Which ones are appropriate and what does the legislation say?


The results are summarized in a report and presented orally to the customer.


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Microbiological risk assessment of products, processes & production environments


Price on tender

Supports the UN sustainability goals

2. Zero hunger
3. Good health and well-being
6. Clean water and sanitation
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
12. Responsible consumption and production
Birgitta Bergström

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Birgitta Bergström


+46 10 516 66 92

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Charlotta Löfström

Contact person

Charlotta Löfström


+46 10 516 67 30

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