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Moisture experts

Moisture experts at RISE are involved in all or part of the construction process as a support to the developer or contractor to ensure the quality of moisture safety work (ByggaF). RISE conducts research and develops tools for ByggaF to better verify and analyse the moisture safety of structures and materials. The staff are area specialists.


Moisture experts at RISE provide you with support and the opportunity to achieve the project's requirements (at least at the level of regulatory requirements and building regulations). We are Swedaq-accredited and always objective in our work and material neutral. 


Faults and shortcomings in the construction industry cost companies, customers and society many billions of kronor annually, and many of the deficiencies are directly linked to moisture safety and the indoor environment. With the right knowledge, experience and methodology, many of these deficiencies can be avoided. A moisture-proof building is a sustainable building. By setting clear requirements at the programme stage, many unnecessary questions and investigations are avoided during the design stage. In the construction phase, unplanned changes are limited by late detection of faults. When it is time to hand over the finished building, well-executed moisture expert work has created the conditions for compliance between the expected result and the constructed building.


With our knowledge, experience and close cooperation with colleagues, we carry out the assignment in the best way and with the help of the ByggaF system. RISE has been involved in developing ByggaF and the Diploma in Moisture Expertise training course (we also train moisture experts within the FuktCentrum) The service includes developing a moisture safety description, setting requirements for verification of functional requirements, reviewing construction documents and conducting moisture surveys on site. Some of the work is carried out from the office, for example when reviewing drawings, and some of the work is carried out on site, for example during technical verification.


The client receives relevant documentation according to the purpose and scope of the engagement. For example, statements and reports for audit and verification.


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Developer support for moisture safety


Humidity sensor, Manometer, Resistance

Metrology Area



Other Certifications

Field measurements



Price on tender

Delivery time

Time for implementation and delivery of assignments as agreed.


Meeting with information about the project's aims and objectives on site or by email/phone.

Magnus Hansén

Contact person

Magnus Hansén

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 516 57 56

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Thorbjörn Gustavsson

Contact person

Thorbjörn Gustavsson

+46 10 516 52 79

Read more about Thorbjörn

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