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Viscose Fiber Characterization

Fibre characterisation such as linear density, fibre strength or tenacity and elongation of staple fibres and filaments from viscose show the mechanical properties of the fibre.


RISE is equipped with two instruments for determining, among other things, linear density, fibre strength or tenacity and elongation of staple fibres and filaments from viscose. Spin studies based on viscose solution from dissolving cellulose, either manufactured in our pilots or delivered from customers, can be done in our spin pilot after which the final viscose fibre is characterised. The most common analysis is done on dry fibre, but wet fibre can also be analysed. 

Methods, Instruments and Expertise

The instruments are partly a Vibrodyn 400 and partly a Vibroscope 400 from Lenzing Instruments. The determinations are based on the methods SS-EN ISO 5079, ISO 1973: 1995 (E) and ISO 1130-1975 (E). 

RISE leads research, development, and innovation in viscose manufacturing. By combining advanced technology with scientific and practical expertise, RISE enhances efficiency, quality, and sustainability. Committed to advancing technology, RISE drives viscose development globally.


RISE offers a report that includes data in Excel format along with relevant images and diagrams. It is carefully compiled using standard methods for the analyses performed.

If a more detailed report is required, RISE has the capacity to provide a comprehensive scientific report based on the results and background information supplied by the customer, available upon request and quotation.


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Viscose Fiber Characterization


Filters - optical properties, Flow meters, Weights

Metrology Area

Mass / Weight, Temperature, Time and frequency, Pressure and vacuum


Price on tender

Delivery time

The delivery of results is scheduled based on our order backlog and the scope as well as the complexity of your assignment. We aim to ensure that your results are delivered on time, taking into account the specific requirements of your project. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to provide you with the best possible service.

Supports the UN sustainability goals

1. No poverty
6. Clean water and sanitation
7. Affordable and clean energy
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
13. Climate action
14. Life below water
15. Life on land

Contact person

Nadine Hollinger

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 722 32 22

Read more about Nadine

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Diana Reyes Forsberg

Contact person

Diana Reyes Forsberg

Read more about Diana

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