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Sound & Vibration testbed

A nationally unique resource for development of building systems and products. An established and complete building acoustic laboratory with qualified personnel, proven and structured work routines, and an emphasis on SMEs.

The resource is accredited for a range of acoustic measurements according to national and international standards. It is conjoined with the National Metrology Institute for Sound Pressure and Acceleration, which guarantees traceable measurements of the highest quality. The laboratory offers objective and subjective evaluations as well as simulations in collaboration with SDL at RISE.

The complete building acoustic  lab offers e.g. measurements of:

  • Vertical sound transmission in floors
  • Sound insulation of building systems, such as facades and walls, and building components and products, such as doors, windows, moldings, etc.
  • Noise from technical installations, such as pipes and water fittings as well as ventilation and filters etc. (with controllable airflow)
  • Machinery noise and vibrations
  • Material parameters
  • Sound absorption (reverberation room and impedance tube)
  • Sound radiation/ sound intensity  (reverberation and hemi-anechoic room)
  • Airborne and impact sound insulation and installation noise in buildings (in-situ) 
  • Perception of measured noise characteristics


Test & Demo name

Sound & Vibration




Laboratory testbeds (LT)


Buildings and infrastructure




Västra Götaland Region


Brinellgatan 4, Borås

Nata Amiryarahmadi

Contact person

Nata Amiryarahmadi

+46 72 734 54 37

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Geir Andresen

Contact person

Geir Andresen

+46 10 516 58 01

Read more about Geir

Contact Geir
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Acoustic laboratory

RISE Acoustic Laboratory has extensive scientific and practical experience in helping the industry and society by providing sound and vibration testing and verification services. To achieve effective sound design and noise reducti…


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In-situ measurement and analysis of flanking and direct transmission

Rise performs sound insulation measurements as well as measurements and analysis of the sound transmission paths. The measurements are performed in a building or mock-up. The analysis provides information on where and which transm…

Built environments

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The National Laboratory for sound and vibration

RISE is Sweden's NMI (National Metrology Institute) and, according to the Swedish constitution, is responsible for the central measurement quantities in the International System of Units, SI.


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