Olof Mogren
Senior Researcher
Kontakta OlofPå RISE Learning Machines Seminar den 7 september 2023 ger Adam Breitholz, Chalmers University of Technology, sin presentation: Unsupervised domain adaptation by learning using privileged information. Seminariet är på engelska.
Successful unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) is guaranteed only under strong assumptions such as covariate shift and overlap between input domains. The latter is often violated in high-dimensional applications such as image classification which, despite this challenge, continues to serve as inspiration and benchmark for algorithm development. In this work, we show that access to side information about examples from the source and target domains can help relax these assumptions and increase sample efficiency in learning, at the cost of collecting a richer variable set. We call this domain adaptation by learning using privileged information (DALUPI). Tailored for this task, we propose a simple two-stage learning algorithm inspired by our analysis and a practical end-to-end algorithm for multi-label image classification. In a suite of experiments, including an application to medical image analysis, we demonstrate that incorporating privileged information in learning can reduce errors in domain transfer compared to classical learning.
Adam Breitholtz is a third-year PhD students in the DSAI division supervised by Fredrik D. Johansson. He has a MSc in Engineering Mathematics from Chalmers University of Technology. Adam’s research is focused on the theory of Domain Adaptation and the underlying assumptions related to that.