Katarina Erikmats works as Group Manager för the group ‘Energy Storage Systems’.
Unit ‘Product Safety’, at the Department ‘Electrification & Reliability’ at the Division ‘Safety & Transport’.
The group ‘Energy Storage Systems’ does battery tests for the industry according to the needs.
We perform accredited and non-accredited testing in our well-equipped labs, according to standards or customer specified test methods. Our extensive experience and expertise also gives us the opportunity to offer advisory services in certain areas. We are shaping and spearheading new technology forging new knowledge in the Energy Storage Systems (ESS) environment together with our customers. Although we are an independent test facility, we can also provide expert advice in early stages of product development as an industry partner.
Katarina has worked in the automotive business for almost three decades with product development, project management as well as the aftermarket service area. Her experience includes batteries, low voltage components, power electronics components and more.