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Episode 1: Why business is so important for sustainability

Are you curious about sustainable, circular business models? In our inaugural episode, our host Gunnar Oesterreich talks with Josefina Sallén and Marcus Linder from RISE, and dive deep into the world of circularity, exploring barriers identified through a decade of research.

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In this episode, you will take the first step in understanding how you can make your business and your offer more circular. Here's what you'll discover:

Business Model Mastery:

  • Uncover the secrets behind creating a better offering within your business model.
  • Learn how to reduce risk while supporting your circular vision.

Financing the Circular Way:

  • Explore innovative financing strategies for circular business models.
  • Discover how profit and sustainability go hand in hand.

Measuring Impact:

  • Understand circularity metrics—essential for both sustainability and profit.
  • Get insights into measuring your business’s true impact.

Digitalization and AI:

  • Find out how cutting-edge tech can propel your circular transition.
  • Leverage digital tools to enhance your business practices.

Regulations and Ecosystems:

  • Navigate the regulatory landscape and seize opportunities.
  • Join the new business ecosystems — your company’s ticket to success.

Några lärdomar att ta med sig efter första avsnittet:


Kostnad kontra vinst

  • När vi arbetar till självkostnadspris begränsas våra handlingar till vad vi har råd med.
  • Att arbeta med vinst gör att vi kan skala globalt.
  • Ett starkt affärsfokus är avgörande för att vi ska kunna göra verklig skillnad.

Hållbara lösningar

  • Även om dagens hållbara lösningar kanske inte kommer att vara hållbara i framtiden är det viktigt att utveckla dem snarast.
  • Att vänta på den perfekta lösningen är inte möjligt på grund av tidsbegränsningar.

Cirkulär affärsmodell

  • Värdebevarande är centralt i en cirkulär affärsmodell.
  • För att uppnå vinst måste du iterera på ditt erbjudande, din affärsmodell och din produktdesign.

Tips och råd

  • Lär dig av företag före dig genom att ta rygg på deras framgångar.
  • Prioritera hållbarhet i dina erbjudanden; den bättre lösningen vinner, inte nödvändigtvis den mest hållbara.

Marcus Linder, RISE

Marcus Linder is the director of Business Design at RISE. He is an established researcher most well known for his work on circular business model innovation and performance indicators for the circular economy (2K+ citations).

– I love to set up research-supported innovation projects on circular business models exploring sources of sustainable competitive advantage. I look especially for cases of radical innovation, in which I include situations were we can realistically (albeit ambitiously) aim for roughly five times more customer value per production inputs.

Josefina Sallén

Josefina Sallén is an expert in circular business models in practice. She has a background in the construction, chemical and automotive industries, among others. Her work at RISE is about making the transition from a linear to a circular economy go faster than today.

My most important tasks are to:

  • Finding and presenting examples of companies that have made their operations sustainable in terms of resources. These range from clothing manufacturers to furniture makers to players in the automotive industry. You can find some of them on the Circular Map.
  • Develop and deepen the transition work. Many in the business community are already doing good things today, and with the right knowledge they can do even more. We at RISE have that knowledge.
  • Help to find exactly the tools, people and networks within and outside RISE that companies need.
Josefina Sallén

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Josefina Sallén

Expert cirkulära affärsmodeller

+46 72 208 93 60

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Marcus Linder

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Marcus Linder


+46 70 874 51 85

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