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Step 5. Develop new alternatives

Can't find a good alternative to the chemical you want to phase out? Then you may need to look into the possibility of developing new alternatives. Here you can find tips on funding and help.

Monitor new alternatives

The Chemsec Marketplace allows you to post a search advert for safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals.

Find funding for innovation

BioInnovation is a multi-industry and multi-sector strategic innovation programme funded by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency, Formas and participating stakeholders. The aim is to promote a bio-based economy through new chemicals, materials, products and services. 

Vinnova is a Swedish innovation agency that promotes innovation and research in business, academia and the public sector. Vinnova is responsible for allocating government funding to projects and programmes that promote innovation and development in the business sector.

Almi is a Swedish government agency that works to strengthen and develop small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by offering financing, advice and networking services. 

EIC Accelerator (European Innovation Council Accelerator) is a funding mechanism that aims to support innovative and high-risk projects with high potential for commercialisation and growth within the EU.

Developing new alternatives using test beds

A testbed is an environment where companies, academia and other organisations can work together to develop, test and introduce new products, processes or organisational solutions in a specific field. All Swedish testbeds are listed on the Testbed Sweden website. Testbeds provide equipment, pilot machines, virtual and exploratory environments. They bring together expertise, industries, problem owners and users to develop future solutions faster.

Nina Melander

Contact person

Nina Melander


+46 10 516 52 16

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Test & demo

Post-treatment of PFAS contamination and PFAS-free fire extinguishing

The test bed offers evaluation of techniques for post-treatment methods for PFAS in soil and water as well as evaluation of methods and means for PFAS-free fire extinguishing.

ReComp - Circular streams from fiberglass composite

Glass fiber composite (GFRP) waste is a growing global environmental problem. The project aims to take a larger societal perspective on the problem: End-of-Life GFRP from the wind, boat, automotive and construction industries that…

Innovative biotechnological methods for effective mining of secondary material

To secure a future metal supply is one of Europe’s biggest challenges. The BIOMIMIC project develops cost-effective technology to extract metals in waste streams - metals that are currently deposited or end up as hazardous waste.

Purifying industrial waste water and utilising the algae biomass

Salt tolerant microalgae are used to purify waste water from the food and dairy industry. A new generation of innovative high-efficiency pumps are deployed in the three demonstration plants within the project. The algae biomass is…

MagBeW - Functionalized Magnetic Beads for Water Treatment

This project aims at developing a new concept for water treatment using functionalized magnetic beads to enable a better and selective removal of pollutants and reduced discharge to the environment.

Identification of alternatives to unwanted chemicals

RISE offers support in the identification of relevant alternatives to substitute unwanted chemicals and substances in products and processes. RISE has developed an efficient internal substitution tool to easily screen a broad data…