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The SCIP Database – reporting chemicals of very high concern

As of 2021, many Swedish and European companies must report the chemical content of their products to the SCIP Database. Here, we answer the most frequently asked questions about reporting to the SCIP Database, direct you to further information and, importantly, list the consultants ready to assist you when you need help.

On 5 January 2021, a new law came into force regulating the obligation to report to the SCIP Database. Companies marketing an article in the European market must report whether the article contains any of the more than 200 SVHCs on the REACH Candidate List if the substance comprises more than 0.1% of the article by weight.

SVHC stands for Substances of Very High Concern. The substances to be reported to the SCIP Database are the SVHCs included on the REACH Candidate List.

SCIP stands for Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products).

What is the SCIP Database for?

The purpose of the SCIP Database is to collect information about which articles contain chemical substances that are classed as SVHCs and are particularly hazardous to humans and/or the environment. This information is made available in the database throughout the lifecycle of each product or material.

In this way, the SCIP Database contributes to the transition to circular material use by making it easier for waste companies to ensure that SVHCs on the Candidate List do not enter the recycling chain.

The SCIP Database also promotes the substitution of SVHCs and encourages development towards safer alternatives in goods manufacturing.

For consumers, the SCIP Database provides an opportunity to obtain information about products containing SVHCs. The increased transparency surrounding these hazardous chemicals will help consumers to make more informed choices. The SCIP Database also contains information about how products containing SVHCs on the Candidate List should be used and properly disposed of.

Who must report to the SCIP Database?

Does your company act as a supplier of goods in the EU and hold any of the roles listed below? If so, you must report any content of SVHCs found on the Candidate List to the SCIP Database. This applies if the content of an SVHC exceeds 0.1% of the article by weight.

  • Manufacturer – you manufacture goods, are a contract manufacturer, are a subcontractor or assemble goods
  • Importer – you import an article from a country outside the EU and market it or sell it on in the internal market
  • Distributor – you buy an article from a supplier within the EU and sell it on

This regulation does not apply to:

  • Own use – if your company imports an article solely for its own use
  • Retailers – stores selling directly to consumers

What must be reported to the SCIP Database?

The Candidate List of the REACH legislation encompasses more than 200 SVHCs, that is, substances that the authorities consider to be of "very high concern". If your article contains any of these substances in an amount exceeding 0.1% of the article by weight, then it must be reported to the SCIP Database.

Where can I read more about the SCIP Database?

Which consultants can help me with SCIP?

The Swedish Centre for Chemical Substitution has contacted Swedish consulting firms working with chemicals and substitution and asked whether they can assist companies with reporting to the SCIP Database.

  • Consultants who can assist you with the SCIP Database

Hitta mer information

  • Kemikalieinspektionen har sammanställt en sida med mer information om anmälan till SCIP-databasen,  där finns också  länkar till ytterligare information hos Echa (bland annat olika typer av vägledningar)
  • Sök i SCIP-databasen hos Echa

Vill du lära dig mer om SCIP-databasen eller behöver du konsultstöd?

  • Substitutionscentrum arrangerar en översiktskurs och två fördjupningskurser i SCIP-databasen, mer information om dessa hittar du på vår eventsida
  • Substitutionscentrum har kontaktat svenska konsultföretag som arbetar med kemikalier och substitution och frågat om de kan ge stöd till företag vid rapportering till SCIP-databasen. Kontakta oss om du vill ha hjälp att hitta konsulter som är kunniga inom SCIP-databasen.
Anna Jacobs

Contact person

Anna Jacobs

Centrumledare för Substitutionscentrum

+46 10 228 45 30

Read more about Anna

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